Holiday Home on Alyeska Camping

RV Parks in Alaska

Strap on your seat belts: we're about to show you over 400 RV Parks & Campgrounds around Alaska!

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RV Parks & Campgrounds

Rotary Park

Two sets of stairs to riv­er and 625 feet of ele­vat­ed boardwalk.

Knik River Public Use Area

On the north side of the Knik Riv­er Bridge, turn off the main road­way and dri­ve down the riverbed.This is a good area to get out and hike around, you can walk beside the glacial­ly-fed Knik Riv­er while under the dom­i­nant peaks of the Chugach Moun­tains and Pio­neer Peak.

Willow Creek Confluence / State Recreation Area

This con­flu­ence is one of the most pop­u­lar fish­eries in South Cen­tral Alas­ka. Locat­ed about 60 miles north of Anchor­age on the Parks High­way, it offers excel­lent fish­ing for four of the major salmon species: kings, sil­vers, chums and pinks. It also fea­tures big rain­bows (up to 30 inch­es) and Dol­ly Var­den, as well as Arc­tic Grayling. You'll also find, in small num­bers, bur­bot and whitefish.

Porcupine Campground

Set in a hand­some birch for­est over­look­ing Tur­na­gain Arm, this camp­ground in Chugach Nation­al For­est close to the his­toric vil­lage of Hope is a fam­i­ly clas­sic. The 34 sites offer all the usu­al ameni­ties (pic­nic table, camp­fire ring, out­hous­es, water pump) and are laid out with an eye toward pri­va­cy. Just 81 miles from Anchorage.

Eagle River Campground

Long pop­u­lar with fam­i­lies who seek a wilder­ness-like set­ting with­out leav­ing the urban area, the place has a rep­u­ta­tion for clean­li­ness and seren­i­ty. But you have to make peace with the riv­er: it is loud. 57 camp­sites are nes­tled along three wood­ed lanes and the inter­est­ing grav­el bars of Eagle Riv­er are nev­er more than a few min­utes' walk away.

Ptarmigan Creek FS Campground

16 sites in a wood­ed set­ting. Trail to Ptarmi­gan lake departs from the campground.

Glacier Nalu Campground Resort

Season: May 01 to Sep 30 $40+

Nalu means "wave" in Hawai­ian, and the Glac­i­er Nalu Camp­ground Resort com­bines the stun­ning scenery of Alas­ka with the relaxed atmos­phere of Hawaii. Whether you're trav­el­ing by RV or tent camp­ing, this spa­cious, 12.5‑acre park — sur­round­ed by large spruce trees with a creek run­ning through it — is per­fect for cou­ples or fam­i­lies who want to expe­ri­ence out­door living.

The Best Campgrounds for Families Near Anchorage

There's noth­ing quite like camp­ing in the woods with the fam­i­ly when you're a kid. The crack­ling camp­fire and gooey s'mores. Bik­ing around the camp­ground loop. Run­ning through the for­est and gath­er­ing wood. Catch­ing (and land­ing) that first fish. Here we offer details for nine great pub­lic fam­i­ly camp­grounds with­in a90-minute dri­ve from Anchorage.

Eklutna Lake Campground

Want to let the kids romp on a beach beneath a mil­lion-dol­lar view of mile-high peaks? Pad­dle a pris­tine lake? Tucked into the woods at the north­ern foot of Eklut­na Lake in Chugach State Park, this camp­ground offers fam­i­lies unique access to a moun­tain wilder­ness val­ley laced with inter­est­ing fea­tures and 25-mile net­work of mul­ti-use trails.

The Head of the Bay

One of Whittier's true gems is hid­den in plain sight. The Head of the Bay is lit­er­al­ly that: Where the shim­mer­ing waters of Prince William Sound meet the shores of this charm­ing town — and it's a beau­ti­ful spot to vis­it. Come with a pic­nic and take it all in as you relax. You'll also find a met­al fire ring, per­fect for a sum­mer evening bon­fire. Want to camp there? It's more pop­u­lar with those dri­ving RVs or camper­vans than tent campers.

Ocean Shores RV Park

Season: May 01 to Sep 30 Tent $25+, RV $65+

Ocean Shores offers amaz­ing views from all of its sites — plus, it's warmer here than on the Homer Spit, since it's not as windy. Most sites come with a pic­nic table and three shared fire rings over­look­ing the bay. You'll also find cable TV and Wi-Fi, as well as coin-oper­at­ed show­ers and laundry.

Swiftwater Park

Six sets of stairs down to the riv­er, 800-plus feet of ele­vat­ed board­walks, and fish walks.

Tenderfoot Creek Campground

If you want to camp beside sub­alpine Upper Sum­mit Lake close to trum­peter swans and fish­ing for rain­bows, take the fam­i­ly to this camp­ground deep in the Kenai Moun­tains off Mile 46 of the Seward High­way. The 35 sites are spread along a loop in the alder, wil­low and spruce woods on the hill­side above the lake, with clear-run­ning Ten­der­foot Creek pass­ing through

Cascade Bay Campsite

Cas­cade Bay, at the North­west end of Eaglek Bay, holds the trea­sure of the largest water­fall in Prince William Sound. There is no lack of fresh­wa­ter in the Bay, with anoth­er rea­son­able water source com­ing in just to the East of the Falls. Be pre­pared for the noise of the falls, and tons of jellyfish!

Settlers Cove State Recreation Site

Set­tlers Cove State Recre­ation Site offers two of the best sandy beach­es to be found in the Ketchikan area and pro­vides pit toi­lets and shel­tered and unshel­tered pic­nic tables with fire grates. A camp­ground with eight camp­sites is avail­able as well and one pub­lic-use cab­in on the water that can be rented.

Anchorage Ship Creek RV Park

Season: May 01 to Sep 30 $39+

When you stay at the Anchor­age Ship Creek RV Park, you're just a few blocks from the heart of down­town Anchor­age, but you also get to hang out right where the locals fish. The famed Ship Creek offers plen­ty of action for anglers, bird­ers and spectators.

Denali Grizzly Bear Resort

Season: May 17 to Sep 15 $108+

The fam­i­ly-run Denali Griz­zly Bear Resort offers a vari­ety of accom­mo­da­tions, great ameni­ties, and amaz­ing views of moun­tains and the Nenana Riv­er. And its loca­tion, six miles south of the Denali Nation­al Park Vis­i­tors Cen­ter but out­side the main tourist area, means you'll have easy park access with­out feel­ing crowd­ed. Choose from their hotel rooms, pri­vate cab­ins, or campground.

Quartz Creek Campground & Boat Launch

Quartz Creek camp­ground is sit­u­at­ed on the banks of sparkling Kenai Lake. This is a great spot to cool off on a hot day. Kenai Lake has a good sandy swim­ming beach and a trail that fol­lows along near­by Quartz Creek. Cast your line for some awe­some fly-fish­ing at the creek or look for the near­by horse sta­ble for a scenic ride.

South Rolly Lake Campground

Camp­ing by this 108-acre lake inside the Nan­cy Lake State Recre­ation Area near Wil­low feels like you've reached the end of the road. To the west stretch­es unbro­ken wilder­ness to the Alas­ka Range and beyond. And yet, the 97 sites in this friend­ly, heav­i­ly treed camp­ground offer all the reg­u­lar camp­ground ameni­ties of out­hous­es, fire rings, pic­nic tables and water pump.

Rivers Edge RV Park

170 site RV Park and Camp­ground on the banks of the Chena River

Black Bear Campground

Bik­ing, fish view­ing, a nat­ur­al his­to­ry cen­ter and a flat hike to a glac­i­er are with­in easy reach of this qui­et, inti­mate camp­ground in Portage Val­ley at the head of Tur­na­gain Arm in the Chugach Nation­al For­est. The 12 sites in the grav­eled, wood­ed Black Bear are yards from the Trail of Blue Ice — a non-motor­ized mul­ti-use trail that tra­vers­es the val­ley floor.

Bird Creek Campground

Bik­ing, hik­ing, fish­ing, climb­ing, wildlife view­ing, camp­fires — and the bore tide spec­ta­cle of Tur­na­gain Arm. Few camp­grounds any­where offer as many out­door options to an adven­tur­ous fam­i­ly as Bird Creek Camp­ground in Chugach State Park. Locat­ed at Mile 101 on the Seward High­way, the camp­ground fea­tures 22 sites for tents or RVs.

Bertha Creek Campground

Bertha Creek Camp­ground is a great choice for a low-key cam­pout in a recre­ation­al gold-pan­ning area on a qui­et loop where the kids won't get lost. Locat­ed just south of Tur­na­gain Pass in the Kenai Moun­tains about 65 miles south of Anchor­age, the camp­ground is tucked into an open for­est beside the con­flu­ence of Bertha and Gran­ite creeks at the base of steep mountains.

Williwaw Campground

With 60 sites on paved loops, Willi­waw is suit­able for large motorhomes and offers great access to the Trail of Blue Ice — a non-motor­ized mul­ti-use trail that tra­vers­es the val­ley floor. Also near­by bik­ing, salmon view­ing, hikes, and glac­i­er viewing.

Seward Waterfront Park

Seward Water­front Park extends from the small boat har­bor to the SeaL­ife Cen­ter and con­tains paid tent and RV camp­ing, play­grounds, a skate park, pic­nic­ing areas, beach access, and a trail lined with his­tor­i­cal landmarks.

Jana House Hostel and RV Park

Chicken Creek RV Park

Camp­ground &RV Park with 30 elec­tric sites and 70 dry sites

Chicken Gold Camp and Outpost

Camp­ground, RV Park, and Cab­in Rentals. On-site restau­rant, gift store, his­toric gold dredge and muse­um, gold mine tours, recre­ation­al min­ing and gold panning.

Primrose Landing FS Campground

Wrangell View RV Park

Clear Waters of Hidden Lake

Find out how the sock­eye salmon in this lake ben­e­fit from the clear waters.

Morgans Landing Campground

Gulkana River Bridge State Right of Way

Savage River Campground: Mile 13 Denali Park Rd

The Sav­age Riv­er camp­ground is laid out in a patch of trees that are just below the tree­line. Weath­er depen­dant, you can see Denali (Mt. McKin­ley) far off in the distance.

Lower Birch Creek Wayside

Midway Service

Forest Acres Park

Upper Skilak Lake Campground

Chilkoot Lake State Rec Site

Deep Creek North Campground

Deep Creek North is locat­ed on the north side of Deep Creek; this area has 29 camp­sites for vehi­cles up to 50 feet.

Upper Salamander Creek Rec Site

The camp­ing area is a sin­gle occu­pan­cy site on Wrangell Island. Access is via a700 foot grav­el path from the park­ing area on the road to a pleas­ant site over­look­ing Sala­man­der Creek.

Matanuska River Park

Russian River Campground

Cathedral Creeks B&B

Delta State Rec Site

Shotgun Cove

Five Mile Camp Camping Area

D & M Charters and RV Park & Cabins

Matanuska Lakes (Kepler Bradley)

There are 10 sites here, good for RVs or tents. They all over­look the lake, which is open to canoes and kayaks. You can rent a boat here, or moun­tain bike/​hike the trails, which con­nect to the Matanus­ka Green­belt system.

Gwich'in Territorial Campground

Squirrel Creek Rec Site

Moon Lake State Rec Site & Campground

Camp­ground with 15 sites, fire spits, pic­nic tables and shel­ter and toi­lets. There's a boat launch for boat­ing, water ski­ing, and swim­ming. This is a pop­u­lar bush plane land­ing location.

Camp Run-A-Muck

Kyllonen's RV Park

Long Creek Trading Post Campground

Grand View Cafe Campground & RV Park

Clearwater State Rec Site

Haines Hitchup RV Park

Real Alaska Cabins and RV Park

Slide Mountain Cabins & RV Park

Dyea Flats Campground

The munic­i­pal­i­ty of Skag­way main­tains this free prim­i­tive camp­ground of about 20 sites on the Dyea flats, a moraine that's one of the broad­est flat spots in South­east Alas­ka. It's walk­ing dis­tance to the remains of the his­toric Dyea townsite.

Mt View RV Park

Watson Lake Campground

Young's Chevron Services

Tanana Valley Campground

Crystal Creek Campground

Sumner Straight Campground

Nenana RV Park

Deep Creek South Campground

Clover Pass Resort & RV Park

Large Turnout/Informal Campsite

With a com­mand­ing view of the Ogilvie Moun­tains and a large swath of open tun­dra, cari­bou hunters and oth­er trav­el­ers find this a con­ve­nient site to set up camp.

Crooked Creek State Rec Site

Swanson River Campground

Circle City Municipal Campground

Bald Lake Cabin

Bald Lake Cab­in is a great choice for peo­ple who want to stay at an Alas­ka wilder­ness cab­in on a pris­tine lake, but don't want to trav­el far to get there. On the hill­side over­look­ing iso­lat­ed Bald Lake, the cab­in offers seclu­sion and pri­va­cy only a short walk from your vehi­cle. It's a "best of both worlds" kind of place — where you can spend the day explor­ing a vir­tu­al­ly pri­vate lake with inter­est­ing bays, or quick­ly dash back to your vehi­cle to  ...more

Williams Park

Campground (mi 42.6)

Finger Lake State Rec Site

Tombstone Mountain Campground

City Park

Silver Derby Campground and RV Park

Campground (mi 9.1)

Chena Hot Spring Resort

Base Camp Root Glacier

Buskin River State Recreation Site

Difficulty: Easy

Whether you're look­ing for a camp­site or fish­ing hole, glass­ing for birds, watch­ing for bears, or beach­comb­ing, this recre­ation site is a great spot to expe­ri­ence the won­ders of Kodi­ak Island with­out trav­el­ing too far.

K'esugi Ken Campground

New­ly opened in 2017, this com­plex has a ranger sta­tion, 32 RV sites, 10 camp­sites, 3 pub­lic use cab­ins and more

Mendenhall Lake Campground

Mosquito Lake Recreation Site

The park has a few camp­sites, but no out­hous­es. The dock at the park pro­vides pub­lic access to Mos­qui­to Lake, which offers great fish­ing, espe­cial­ly for cut­throat trout and Dol­ly Var­den char. The lake fills with migrat­ing ducks in the spring and fall, and trum­peter swans use the lake as a stopover on their migra­tions. Up to 80 swans have been seen at one time on the lake. In the win­ter, locals like to ice fish and cross-coun­try ski on the lake  ...more

Signal Creek Campground

Cohoe Cove Campground

Big Lake South State Rec Site

Iditarod RV Parking

Crescent Creek Campground

Talkeetna Camper Park

Talkeetna Alaska RV Park & Boat Launch

Gakona Alaska RV Park & Cabins

25 RV sites, 15 tent sites, 3 rental cab­ins, 3 rental igloos. Access to the Cop­per River.

Swiftwater Campground

Reel Em Inn

King For A Day Campground

Auke Bay RV Park

Heritage RV Park

Lower Troublesome Creek Campground

Chilkat State Park Landing

Haines locals come here for wed­dings and oth­er spe­cial occa­sions, a great spot for spot­ting wildlife, launch­ing a boat, or pitch­ing a tent. It's rarely crowd­ed due to the bumpy ride down a steep, grav­el road in.

Silver & Van Lake Access

Walk in pub­lic fish­ing access to Sil­ver Lake and Van Lake; you'll find won­der­ful scenery and good rain­bow trout fish­ing in both lakes.

Campground (mi 255.6)

Beehive RV Park

James Lake Cabin

This hand­some, well-sea­soned log cab­in is the post­card for your pub­lic use cab­in dreams. If they filmed "Alas­ka Pub­lic Use Cab­ins — The Movie," the pro­duc­ers would have a hard time find­ing a bet­ter place than James Lake for the setting.

Dezadeash Lake Yukon Campground

Funny River SRA

HC Company Store

Bishop Creek Trail & Picnic Area

Difficulty: Easy

The trail is half a mile long and takes you through a mature birch for­est that is car­pet­ed with dev­il's club and water­mel­on berry plants. It's an easy walk­ing, ide­al for small chil­dren, and ends at a small camp­ing area on a slight bluff that over­looks Bish­op's Beach and Bish­op Creek.

Red Squirrel Campground

Ketchem Creek

Port Chilkoot Camper Park

Auk Village Campground

Coldfoot Camp

Klawock RV Park

Hart D Ranch

His & Hers Lakeview Camper Park

Salcha River State Recreation Site

Little Tonsina Campground

Decanter Inn

Susitna Landing

Goose Bay Inn

Lynx Lake Cabin 2 & 3

These two almost iden­ti­cal cab­ins (only 200 feet apart) are aimed toward adven­tur­ers and fam­i­lies who want to include both pad­dling and hik­ing in their dai­ly adven­tures. They offer direct access to two lakes as well as the park's trail sys­tem. Though rel­a­tive­ly close, each cab­in is col­ored by a slight­ly dif­fer­ent atmos­phere. Lynx 2's porch faces the sun­set, with good after­noon sun and a view of Lynx Lake. It feels open, more exposed. Lynx3 ...more

Denali View South Campground

One of the best Denali (McKin­ley) view­points on a clear day. Also pic­nic sites, bath­room, and 9 campsites.

Hatcher Pass RV Park

Willow Creek Resort

Valdez Glacier Campground

Chena River Wayside

Iceworm RV Park

Rain Country RV Park

Styles Creek Campground

Wilson Creek Area

King Lake Campground

Talkeetna Hostel International

Gerstle River Wayside

Alaska Canoe & Campgrounds

Deep Creek Beach

Rainbow Lake Campground

Garden City RV

The Trees RV Park and General Store

Riverview RV Park

Nugget Gulch

Red Shirt Lake Cabin #4

Ide­al for those pad­dling, boat­ing, fish­ing, hik­ing as well as those look­ing for seclu­sion away from the lake's more pop­u­lar routes for ski­ing and snow­mo­bil­ing. The cab­in faces the sun­set and may be the per­fect locale to string a ham­mock for long sum­mer after­noons lis­ten­ing to for­est birds.

Alaskan Angler RV Resort

Resurrection RV Parking

Port Alsworth Campground

Tulchi­na Adven­tures oper­ates a "glamp­ing" camp­ground in Port Alsworth. Tent plat­forms, sur­round­ed by mos­qui­to net­ting and cov­ered with plas­tic roof­ing, come with camp chairs, potable water, and bear-proof food storage.

Heavenly Sights Charters & Camping

South Fork River Wayside

A good place to camp. Very qui­et, a bab­bling brook, and well off what must be one of the qui­etest high­ways in Alaska.

Willow Trading Post

Miller's Landing

RV park & camp­ground, kayak­ing, and fish­ing char­ters in Seward, Alaska

Golden Nugget RV Park

Nancy Lake State Recreation RV Park

Sourdough Campground

Camp­ground with RV and tent sites. Café on site.

Granite Creek Campground

Le Conte RV Park

Tok RV Village

Large RV Park & Camp­ground with 100+ Sites. Tent and RV sites with full hook-up. Cab­in rentals also avail­able. Fast Eddy's Restau­rant next door.

Birch Lake State Rec Site

King Mountain Campground

The camp­ground is pret­ty open, since bark bee­tles killed the big, old spruce trees. The camp­sites attract RVers and campers, and each of the 24 sites has a fire ring and pic­nic table. There's potable water at a hand pump.

Rufus Creek Primitive Campsite

Denali Rainbow Village RV Park

Thorne Bay Municipal Campground

Lower Salamander Creek Rec Site

There are 3 cov­ered pic­nic shel­ters locat­ed next to Sala­man­der Creek. Each has a pic­nic table and fire ring. A small sandy beach lies next to one of the shel­terss and swim­ming oppor­tu­ni­ties exist when the water lev­els are higher.

Log Cabin Resort & RV Park

Tent Area Campground

Klondike RV Park and Cottages

Alaskan Trails RV & Camper

Sourdough Creek Campground

Merganser Lake Campground

Creekwood Inn RV Park

Happy Valley Camping Area

Earl West Cove Recreation Site

Rocky Lake State Rec Site

Eagle Trail State Rec Site & Campground

Camp­ground with 35 sites, pic­nic table, shel­ter, toi­lets, and 2.5 mile hik­ing trail over­look­ing the Tok Riv­er Valley.

Pasagshak State Recreation Site

A spec­tac­u­lar set­ting for anglers, beach­combers, hik­ers, and explor­ers. There is devel­oped camp­ing for both tent and RV campers, a boat launch, two mod­ern pit toi­lets, and numer­ous pic­nic sites. The beach makes for excel­lent walk­ing, beach­comb­ing, wildlife view­ing and birding.

Old Road, New Recreation Area

Wonder Lake Campground (Mile 84.4)

Only a few miles from the end of the Denali Park Road (85 miles in, about 5 hours by bus), this is the clas­sic Denali view from the north side, made famous by Ansel Adams' pho­tographs. 25 sites.

Big Bear Campground & RV Park

Engineer Lake Campground

Cantwell RV Park

Stariski Campground

Here you'll find 16 camp sites sit­u­at­ed among the trees. The camp­ground offers toi­lets, fresh water and shelters.

Engineer Creek Campground

Clam Gulch State Rec Area

Kathleen Lake Public Campground

Ophir Creek Campground

Mendeltna Creek Lodge (mi 144.2)

355 Mile Wayside

Manley Municipal Camping

Quiet Camping & Peaceful River Hike

Be care­ful, it's easy to miss this turn-off as you drop down the hill, but look out for the sign "Cari­bou Creek Recre­ation­al Area." This sel­dom-used camp­ground is a qui­et place to camp, away from high­way noise. It has fire rings and pic­nic tables, and there's a trail to the creek. It's a one-mile walk to the water. It's a nice stream and it's part of the State Recre­ation­al Gold Min­ing Area. So bring a pan and try your luck!

Petersen Lake Campground

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? On this lake it could be either.

Savikko Park

Jean Lake Campground

A Fisherman's Resort RV Park

Long Lake Recreation Site

Trail River Campground

Chilkat State Park

Chilkat State Park, sev­en miles south of Haines, is less vis­it­ed than Chilkoot Lake, prob­a­bly because it's fur­ther from town and the road is grav­el. But don't let that stop you. The park is qui­et, it's one of the best local areas to look for moose, and the view of the Rain­bow Glac­i­er — a hang­ing glac­i­er with a huge water­fall drop­ping from its face — is world-class.

Johnson Lake Campground

Pioneer Lodge

Trapper Creek Inn & RV Park

Sunrise Inn and RV Park

Circle Hot Springs

Cir­cle Hot Springs was dis­cov­ered in 1893 by prospec­tor William Greats. In 1905, Franklin Leach home­stead­ed around the springs. Tents were used as the first bath­hous­es. Many min­ers win­tered over at the springs when they could not work on the creeks.

McKinley RV Park

Hasselborg Creek Cabin

This is a very small enclosed CCC Adiron­dack shel­ter. It has a con­crete floor, and a1930s fire­place. 2 sin­gle wood­en bunks, wood stove, table and bench­es, Cook­ing counter, broom, fire­place, axe and maul, wood, out­house, skiff with oars. The cab­in is in the cen­tral part of the island on the south­ern end of Has­sel­borg Lake at an ele­va­tion of 300ft (91 m).

Kasilof RV Park

Rock River Campground

This is anoth­er favorite camp­site for cari­bou hunters (and tourists), and has been for over 8000 years. It's the last tree-shel­tered area until you descend into the Macken­zie Riv­er Val­ley far to the north in the North­west Territories.

Fireweed Meadows Golf Course

Donnelly Creek State Rec Area (mi 238)

This is one of the states most scenic camp­grounds offer­ing views of some of the tallest peaks in the Alas­ka Range. Twelve camp­sites are sit­u­at­ed along a loop road; the grounds are equipped with water, toi­lets, fire pits and hik­ing trail. The Delta bison herd can often be seen from the camp­ground and near­by viewpoints.

Renfro's Lakeside Retreat

Tolovana Campground

Exit Glacier Tent Campground

Kasilof River State Recreation Site

This is a pop­u­lar boat launch for drift boaters fish­ing for king salmon. The Kasilof Riv­er red salmon dip­net fish­ery is here, but only open to Alas­ka res­i­dents. It's worth a look if you've nev­er seen dip­net­ters in action before. There are 16 camp­sites, water, tables, toi­lets, hik­ing trails, a boat launch and fishing.

West Fork Campground & River Access

At Mile­post 49, there is a camp­ground with plen­ty of park­ing spaces avail­ble for cars and RVs. From the scenic over­look on the upper­road you can spot trum­peter swans and moose in the small lake below. This riv­er access point is the south­ern­most access point on the 400-mile Fortymile Nation­al Wild and Scenic Riv­er System.

Rika's Roadhouse

(DOT) Copper River Campground

Arctic Circle Wayside Camping Area

Country Boy Campground

Sailor's Pit

Three Bears Outpost RV Park

RV Park with 25 sites locat­ed behind Three Bears Out­post. Three Bears is a con­ve­nience store that also car­ries camp­ing, hunt­ing, and fish­ing supplies

Ninilchik Point Overnighter

Resurrection South Campground

Birch Lake Rec Camp USAF

Sawmill Creek Campground

Eagles Nest Campground

The Golden Bear Motel & RV Park

Copper River RV Park & Cabins

Grizzly Lake Campground

Red Shirt Lake Cabin #2

Locat­ed on an isth­mus between a shel­tered cove and the main body of a vast back­coun­try lake, Red Shirt Lake Cab­in 2 offers a basic, easy-to-heat base for explor­ing 1,186-acre Red Shirt Lake regard­less of weath­er. It gives a small par­ty no-fuss access to water, fuel and ski trails — a cozy space to relax when the day is done and the light begins its dying slant.

Tangle Lakes Campground MP 21.5

This BLM-main­tained camp­ground sits amid the Tan­gle Lakes, a series of long, nar­row lakes. This is a des­ig­nat­ed put-in for the 30-mile-long Delta Nation­al Wild and Scenic Riv­er float trip. There are moose and cari­bou in the area, many hunters use this as a base camp dur­ing the fall hunt­ing season.

Kenai Princess RV Park

Dry Creek State Rec Site

Lake Louise State Rec Area

If you're not head­ing right back to Anchor­age, here's anoth­er great side trip. A scenic 19-mile dri­ve north takes you into the park. Lake Louise is known for its trout and grayling fish­ing, views of Tazli­na Glac­i­er and Lake, and berry pick­ing — har­vest wild straw­ber­ries and blue­ber­ries in July and August, or cran­ber­ries come September.

Resurrection Pass Campground

Portage Cove State Rec Site

This small camp­ground, less than one mile south of the cruise ship dock in Haines, is for bicy­clists and oth­ers arriv­ing on foot — no vehi­cles are allowed to here. Don't miss the nice over­look in the for­est above the camp­ground, with views over the water to the Chilkat Mountains.

Sealing Cove Boat Harbor Campground

Russian River Ferry Parking Lot

Mentasta Lodge RV Park

Cast Away Riverside RV Park

Lost Lake Campground

Baycrest RV Park

Hope Creek Primitive Campground

Down the beach and across Hope Creek from Dick Proenneke's famous cab­in is a prim­i­tive camp­ground. A bear-proof food lock­er is avail­able at the camp­site. Water is avail­able from the creek, but should be treat­ed. The camp­ground is first-come, first-served.

Moose River RV Park

Snowed Inn RV Campers & Tents

Discovery Campground

Chena Lake Park Camping


Kepler Park

Scenic View RV Park

Campground (mi 20)

Allison Point Access Site

Yakutat Beach Campground

Lower Ohmer Lake Campground

Seaview Cafe & Bar

Portage Valley Cabins & RV Park

Nemo Point Campsites

Eagle's Rest RV Park

Denali View North Campground

Fan­tas­tic views of Denali (McKin­ley) on a clear day. Pic­nic area, bath­rooms, and 20 campsites.

Centennial Park Campground

Swan Lake Canoe Route West Entrance

Fish Lake Campground

Fielding Lake State Campground

Harding Lake State Rec Area

Montana Creek State Recreational Site

Pullen Creek RV Park

Northern Exposures RV Park

Crooked Creek RV Park

Alaska Waters RV Park

Valdez RV Park

Ninilchik R Scenic Overlook Campground

Base Camp Kennicott

Staney Bridge Campground

Locat­ed on For­est Ser­vice Road 2050, this dis­persed camp­ing area pro­vides two sites, each with a hard­ened tent site, a fire ring and a pic­nic table. The sites are with­in walk­ing dis­tance from Staney Creek where you'll find excel­lent fish­ing. You can also explore miles of roads, excel­lent fish­ing on the creek and its trib­u­taries, hunt­ing, and great berry picking.

Olnes Pond Campground

Liberty Falls Campground

This is prob­a­bly the nicest camp­ground on the Edger­ton High­way. The site has pic­nic tables and tent plat­forms. You'll enjoy an amaz­ing view of a pic­turesque water­fall from the bridge across Lib­er­ty Creek. 10 sites are avail­able in this campground.

Marathon RV Park

Gorge Campsite #2 Mile 8.24

Includes bear lock­er and fire ring.

Beluga Lookout Lodge & RV Park

Pioneer Park RV

Copper Lake Trailhead & Primitive Campsite

Difficulty: Moderate Distance: 12 miles

This is a trail with access to Cop­per Lake. Cop­per Lake has oppor­tu­ni­ties for Lake Trout, Grayling, and Bur­bot fish­ing. The first 2.5 miles are suit­able for hik­ing, then the trail crosss­es Tana­da Creek, which can be high and fast, and trail con­di­tions deteriorate.

Government Peak Picnic Area

Locat­ed at Mile 11 of Hatch­er Pass Road, you'll find Gov­ern­ment Peak Pic­nic Area. There is a small camp­ground with 8 sites for tents or small­er RVs, and a pic­nic area.

Little Susitna River Campground

Stedi RV Park and Storage

Byers Lake Campground

73 camp­ing sites, 3 pub­lic use cab­ins, and hik­ing trails. Guid­ed day hikes, kayak rentals, and kayak tours available.

Anderson Riverside Park

Million Dollar Falls Campground

Northern Nights Campground & RV Park

Spring Creek Campground

Sanctuary River Campground: Mile 23 Denali Park Rd

Sanc­tu­ary Camp­ground is a7 site camp­ground locat­ed at Mile 23 on the Park Road. It is open only to tent campers.

Bear Creek RV Park

Pleasant Valley RV Park

Poplar Grove

Igloo Creek Campground - Look for Moose, Bear & Dall Sheep (Mile 34.05)

Igloo Creek is one of three tent-only camp­grounds in the park. Sit­u­at­ed right next to the creek, it is a great place to relax and enjoy the wilder­ness and the area around the camp­ground offers great hik­ing opportunities.

Beachcomber Motel & RV Park

Twin Creek RV Park

Dead Dog Hill Rest Area

This is a great site to take a break for some wildlife view­ing or bird watch­ing. There are views of wet­lands, a small lake, and bore­al for­est. Moose are often seen here and cari­bou migrate through this area in the spring and fall. Dur­ing spring and sum­mer, look for nest­ing ducks and trum­peter swans. Vault toilets.

Starrigavan Campground

Glacier Park Campground

Pinnacle RV Park

Little Nelchina State Rec Site

Slana River Access & Primitive Campsites

West Fork Campground

Here's a great place to overnight, or just take a rest. Head out to the over­look and watch for trum­peter swans and moose on the small lake.

Kelly Lake Campground

Cripple Creek Campground

Riley Creek Campground: Mile 0.45 Denali Park Rd

Riley Creek Camp­ground is a147 site camp­ground locat­ed just inside the entrance to the park.

Hidden Lake Campground

Camp out at this qui­et, clear­wa­ter lake, where glac­i­ers once stood over 2,000 feet tall

Sitka Sportsman's Assn RV Park

Camper Park (mi 0)

Centennial Camper Park

Ohmer Creek Campground

Petersburg's For­est Ser­vice camp­ground is at Ohmer Creek, 22 miles out the Mitkof High­way. These are prim­i­tive sites with min­i­mal main­te­nance. There's no water and no charge to stay. Campers should use bath­room facil­i­ties at near­by Blind Slough Recre­ation Area.

Oceanside RV Park

Ninilchik River Campground

Quartz Lake Campground

Whitefish Campground

Childs Glacier Campsite

This camp­ground offers tent camp­ing with access to pic­nic tables, toi­lets and an inter­pre­tive site. It is a remote site, with no road access. You must hire a char­ter. Inquire at the Cor­do­va Vis­i­tor Center.

Oceanview RV Park

Sportman's Supply & RV Park

Chena River Wayside State Rec Site

East Fork Rest Area & Campground

Kenny Lake RV Park and Mercantile

Ninilchik Campground

Olnes Pond Access & Campsites

Here you'll find oppor­tu­ni­ties for swim­ming, fish­ing, boat­ing and camp­ing. Camp­sites are set among the trees and in open grassy areas. Explore fur­ther afield to find blue­ber­ry and cran­ber­ry bush­es along the path around the pond.

Bing Brown's Small Mart

Lower Skilak Lake Campground

Coeur D' Alene Campground

Bernice Lake Campground

Denali RV Park & Motel

306-2 Campground

Porcupine Creek State Rec Site

Pt Mackenzie Gen'l Store

Waugaman Village RV Park

Chena River Park

Riverside Camper Park

Mountain View RV Park

East Fork Chulitna Wayside

Stoney Creek RV Park

Last Chance Campground

Bobby's RV Park

Bear Paw Camper Park

Paxson Lake Campground

Rock Lake Rest Area & Camping

Mile 21.8 Nabesna Road. This rest area has a pic­nic table and vault toi­let, and looks out over a lake with a view of the Wrangell Mountains.

Taltanika Trading Company Campground

Edgewater Lodge & RV Park

J&J Smart Charters Deep Crk View Campground

Kendesnii Campground

MP 27.8, Nabesna Rd. This is now called the Kendesnii Camp­ground. This is now a devel­oped camp­ground with 10 sites, with pic­nic tables, fire rings, trails, and restrooms. Kendesnii Camp­ground is a great place to fish and view wildlife. A hie of about a half mile to the south and over the ridge will take you to Jack Lake and more beau­ti­ful views of the Wrangell Mountains.

Payo's RV Park & Campground

Anchor River State Rec Area

Town & Country RV Park

Eagle Campground

Camp­ground with 18 camp­sites. With­in walk­ing dis­tance of vil­lage of Eagle.

Meiers Lake Roadhouse

The only work­ing road­house on the Richard­son High­way with a restau­rant, bar, con­ve­nience store, motel, gas sta­tion, cab­ins, lodge rooms and RV park.

Campground (mi 55.9)

Caribou Creek Campgrounds

Tazlina RV Park

Kettle Lake

Teklanika River Campground: Mile 29.1 Denali Park Rd

Teklani­ka (aka "Tek") Riv­er Camp­ground is can be found at mile 29 on the Denali Park Road. It is the sec­ond largest camp­ground in the park, offer­ing 53 sites for RVs and tents.

Grand View Campground

Marion Creek Campground

Thompson's Eagle's Claw Motorcycle Park

Motor­cy­cle camp­ground with tent sites, bunkhouse, cab­in rentals, and wood fired sauna.

Red Bluff Beach RV Park & Campground

Alaska Halfway House B&B

Chena Lake RV Area

Midtown RV/Camper Park

Campground (mi 41.9)

River Terrace RV Park

Artice Caribou Inn

Wrangell View RV Park

12 site camp­ground in Chiti­na, Alas­ka with full RV hookup, dump sta­tion, tent plat­forms, free wire­less inter­net, and water.

Tiekel River Lodge Campground

Boardwalk RV Park

Thoms Creek Crossing Campsite

The camp­site is sin­gle occu­pan­cy and lies on the south end of Wrangell Island. Access is via a short foot­path from the park­ing area at the bridge.

Dolly Varden Lake Campground

Blueberry Lake State Recreation Site

For 360-degree moun­tain views and end­less out­door adven­tures, head to Blue­ber­ry Lake, about 30 min­utes north of Valdez along the Richard­son High­way in Thomp­son Pass. Fish, kayak, pad­dle­board, hike, and bike. And come to stay: the area has 21 basic camp­sites. RVs under 30 feet are allowed.

Bear Creek Cabins & RV Park

Chetta's Corner Cache

Kenai RV Park

Mat-Su RV Park & Campground

Moose Pass Campground & RV Park

Little Susitna River Public Use Facility

Deep Creek North and South Waysides

Lake #3 Campground

This seclud­ed camp­ing area is named for the lake that one of the sites over­looks. The camp­ing area offers 2 hard­ened camp­sites, fire rings and pic­nic tables.

Lake Lucille Park

RV Staging Area

Montana Creek Campground

Upper Chatanika River State Rec Site

Chena RV Park

Fox Run RV Campground

Ninilchik View Campground

Sealaska Campground

Yukon River Campground

This large main­tained camp­ground boasts 98 camp­sites, fresh water, pit toi­lets, fire­wood, shel­ters, and a boat launch. Look for pere­grine fal­con nests in the cliffs. This wood­ed camp­ground is with­in walk­ing dis­tance of Stern­wheel­er Grave­yard; where you'll find wreck­age of at least three sternwheelers.

Brushkana Creek and Campground MP 105

The old, well-appoint­ed camp­ground on the west bank of Brushkana Creek is very pop­u­lar among sea­soned Denali High­way trav­el­ers. The 22 camp­sites are well laid out, offer­ing a mod­icum of pri­va­cy, with excel­lent access to the wide grav­el bars along the clear-run­ning creek and its famous grayling.

Bing's Landing Campground

Mt. Prindle Campground

Tolsona Campground

Camp­ground with 80 RV sites, 20 Tent Sites. Access to Tol­sona Mud Vol­ca­noes Trail.

Tonsina River Lodge

Alaska Dacha

Izaak Walton Campground

Homer Spit Campground

Walker Fork BLM Campground

This area was once the site of the Lassen airstrip. In the 1930s and ' 40s, air ser­vice flew sup­plies into the area. Before this, the only way to get fuel and oth­er sup­plies to the min­ing camps was by sled­ding them up-riv­er dur­ing the winter.

Matanuska Glacier Rec Site RV Park

Tors Trail Campground

Eagle Beach State Rec Site

Hike or camp out at the Eagle Beach State Recre­ation Area locat­ed just 27 miles north of Juneau prop­er. There's also a pic­nic area on the white sandy beach. This is a good loca­tion for beach comb­ing or bird and sea life watching.

Resurrection North Campground

Shoemaker RV Park

Shoe­mak­er Bay RV Park offers 25 sites for RVs and trail­ers, and tent camp­ing in a wood­ed spot near a creek. Restrooms, a fresh­wa­ter pump and a hold­ing tank dump­site for RVs is pro­vid­ed. It's locat­ed about four miles far­ther south on the high­way from the water­front City Park tent camp­ing area.

Big Lake North State Rec Site

Izaak Walton State Recreation Site

This park is the con­flu­ence of the Kenai and Moose Rivers. Take a break at this recre­ation site named for the Eng­lish author Iza­ak Wal­ton who wrote The Com­pleat Angler. Look for the infor­ma­tion­al sign to learn about the Moose Riv­er Archae­o­log­i­cal Site. You will also find a host­ed camp­ground and boat launch. There's excel­lent fly-fish­ing in this area.

Lazy Moose RV Park

Harris River Campground

Red Shirt Lake Cabin #3

Red Shirt Cab­in 3 cel­e­brates the ancient spir­it of Red Shirt Lake as a gath­er­ing place. The lake once fea­tured large salmon runs and sum­mer camps for Dena'ina Native groups, and still hosts pri­vate cab­ins on its south­ern half. The cab­in may be per­fect for large par­ties in quest of lake action, a plat­form for those who want stren­u­ous days of pad­dling, fish­ing, swim­ming, and motor­ing fol­lowed by rous­ing evening campfires.

Horseshoe Hole Campground

Rosehip State Campground

Cooper Creek Campground

North Country RV Park

Galbrath Lake Camping Area

Go North Base Camp Hostel & Campground

Homestead RV Park

Gold Mint Trail & Camping

Clearwater Creek Wayside MP 55.5

Prob­a­bly the best free camp­site along the Denali High­way. With a large park­ing area next to a main­tained pit toi­let on the south­side of the high­way, and an infor­mal park­ing area on the north, you can install an RV or set up a tent in many loca­tions with a bit of pri­va­cy and then be ser­e­nad­ed by the melody of rush­ing water all night long.

[{"slug":"soldotna","title":"Soldotna"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer \/ Wasilla Area"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"juneau","title":"Juneau"},{"slug":"chugach-state-park","title":"Chugach State Park"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"kenai-peninsula","title":"Kenai Peninsula Audio Guide"},{"slug":"prince-william-sound","title":"Prince William Sound"},{"slug":"ketchikan","title":"4 Days in Ketchikan"},{"slug":"denali-national-park","title":"Denali National Park"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"fairbanks","title":"Fairbanks"},{"slug":"chugach-national-forest","title":"Chugach National Forest"},{"slug":"chicken","title":"Chicken"},{"slug":"tongass-national-forest","title":"Tongass National Forest"},{"slug":"delta-junction","title":"Delta Junction"},{"slug":"tok","title":"Tok"},{"slug":"haines","title":"Haines"},{"slug":"skagway","title":"Skagway"},{"slug":"wrangell","title":"Wrangell"},{"slug":"mccarthy","title":"McCarthy-Kennicott"},{"slug":"denali-state-park","title":"Denali State Park"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"copper-center","title":"Copper Center"},{"slug":"valdez","title":"Valdez"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park \u0026amp; Preserve"},{"slug":"cooper-landing","title":"Cooper Landing"},{"slug":"angoon","title":"Angoon"},{"slug":"sitka","title":"Sitka"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"},{"slug":"yakutat","title":"Yakutat"},{"slug":"wrangell-st-elias-national-park","title":"Wrangell St. Elias National Park"},{"slug":"chitina","title":"Chitina"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"}]

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